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Certificates, Qualifications & Awards

Oliver Roberts Brighton Film Music Media Composer
Score The World - Little Princess - 2023
Achieved 15th position in global film scoring competition

Craft Skills: Sound - Heist - 2017

Royal Television Society (National Student Television Awards)

Special Mention - Music and Sound Design - 2017
FilmBath IMDb Festival (Col Needham, Founder of IMDb)

Craft Skills: Sound and Music in Animation - Heist - 2017
Royal Television Society (West of England Student Television Awards)

MA in Composition for Film and TV - 2017
University of Bristol

BA (Hons) in Music - 2016
University of Sussex

Performance Piano Training - 2015-16
Trinity Laban Conservatoire (Prof. Mikhail Kazakevich)

Additional Training, Specialities & Certifications:

● Orchestration and arranging

● Mixing and post production

● Adaptive music techniques for video games

● Proficiency in multiple DAWs. Oliver is most comfortable with Logic Pro X but has also used Cubase 8 and Pro Tools

● Realistic midi realisations with VSTs (including Kontact and East West sound libraries)

● Sound design through the manipulation of audio

● Pianist of a very high calibre, fluent in many styles with training from Trinity Laban

● Understanding of narrative structure, strategies and techniques

● Experienced with synthesisers creating complex sounds and additional effects

● Expertise in written communication and communicative writing
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